Deepa Nandy
Dietitian, Nutritionist & Health Coach
What is Overweight & Obesity
Your current body weight is a cumulative effect of several factors such as genetics, medical conditions, hormonal changes, gender, etc. Apart from the number (kilos) what is more crucial is your body composition which includes the body fat, muscle mass, bone weight and water content.
According to WHO Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. overweight and obesity rate is rapidly growing in adults and children. Obesity is a significant risk factor for many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Many of the causes of overweight and obesity are preventable and reversible. Although other factors are involved, the fundamental cause of obesity is an imbalance of calories consumed and calories expended.

How Big is the Problem?
As per recent 2021 data, the prevalence of obesity in India was recorded at 40.3 %. The research shows that obesity was higher among women than men (41.88 % vs 38.67 %), urban than rural (44.17 % vs 36.08%), and over 40 than under 40 (45.81 % vs 34.58%).
According to NHFS 2019-21 report, more than half (57%) of women and 48%of men in India have a waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) that puts them at a substantially increased risk of metabolic complications.
What is healthy weight loss?
It’s natural for anyone who is trying to lose weight to desire to lose it very quickly. But people who lose weight gradually and steadily are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn’t just about a diet, it is also about an ongoing lifestyle that includes healthy eating patterns and regular physical activity, emotional balance etc.
Even a modest weight loss of 5 to 10% of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars. So even if you have an overall goal that seems large, see it as a journey rather than just a final destination. You’ll learn new eating and physical activity habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle. These habits may help you maintain your weight loss over time.

The Right Approach for Weightloss
The most common approach to fat loss for most people is without exercise. The biggest problem with weight loss by caloric restriction alone is an inevitable loss in lean body mass (LBM), with a large part of the LBM drop from muscle stores, and a drop in metabolic rate. The more calories are restricted, the more the body lowers the metabolic rate to compensate. This reflects the body going into starvation mode to prevent further weight loss. Depending on the amount of caloric friction, the addition of exercise may or may not have benefits in alleviating or preventing this drop in metabolic rate.
Restricting your calories can also decrease your metabolism and hence can cause loss of muscle mass. This makes it more difficult to maintain your weight loss in the long term. Several studies show that low-calorie diets can decrease the number of calories the body burns by as much as 23%. While for efficient weight loss body needs to burn sufficient calories.
Restricting calories too severely can lead to fatigue. If you maintain this calorie restriction for a long period of time it can also lead to nutrient deficiencies. Hence you become prone to several nutrition deficiency diseases due to lower immunity. Studies have also suggested overly restricting calories may potentially reduce fertility, especially in women.
Hence it is quite essential to consult your Nutritionist before taking up any weight plan or challenges.
What to Expect at Our Weight Loss Center
Benefits of Having Deepa Nandy as your Dietician
We provide Indian, International and Fusion Weight Loss Diet Charts according to your lifestyle, office routine or home schedules, meal preferences, eating timings, food allergies, medical conditions, blood reports, emotional behaviour as well as your individualised traditional, religious & cultural aspects i.e. they are totally customised as per your needs.
Customized Diet Program
Whether it’s your bodyweight or the weight of procrastination, inconsistency, low motivation, work-life imbalance, judgments, or simply not knowing where to start, this program will help you. It’s not just about losing weight; it’s about shedding the burden of achieving that weight loss. Don’t let this extra weight hold you back. Go chase your goals and dreams.